Community Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a powerful tool for helping to re-establish balance in the body. This makes it a wonderful ally in helping the body cope with a wide variety health challenges. There is especially strong scientific evidence that acupuncture helps with pain, stress, anxiety, and digestive problems. There is good clinical evidence that it helps with many other issues as well. Acupuncture can be used alone or as part of a more comprehensive treatment approach with few to no side effects.
Community Acupuncture treatments are given in a group setting in reclining chairs. Depending on how busy the clinic is you may be treated alone or in the company of your family, friends, or neighbors. Not only does community acupuncture make treatments less expensive, experiencing healing with other people who are also focused on their own healing seems to gently amplify the power of your treatment.
Sliding scale $20-$40 Your choice. No qualifications, no questions. Pay whatever works for you.
Community Acupuncture treatments are given in a group setting in reclining chairs. Depending on how busy the clinic is you may be treated alone or in the company of your family, friends, or neighbors. Not only does community acupuncture make treatments less expensive, experiencing healing with other people who are also focused on their own healing seems to gently amplify the power of your treatment.
Sliding scale $20-$40 Your choice. No qualifications, no questions. Pay whatever works for you.
Massage at SOL is catered to meet client needs. Enjoy the benefits of advanced training in various modalities ranging from rehabilitation to energetic work. A few of the therapies you can request or that may be incorporated into your massage include shiatsu, deep tissue work, neuromuscular therapy, acutonics, prenatal massage, sports and rehabilitation massage, swedish, and others. Let us know if you want to relax and revitalize your body and mind, you have a specific issue or injury that needs to be addressed, or you want to work on an energetic level.
Half hour massage $45
Hour massage $85
Hour and a half massage $120
Packages and Subscriptions available. Click the button below to see details.
Half hour massage $45
Hour massage $85
Hour and a half massage $120
Packages and Subscriptions available. Click the button below to see details.
Cupping is a wonderful service that can provide quick relief for tight muscles. We offer cupping as part of your massage (free - ask for it!) or as a stand alone service. Sessions take about 30 minutes and include application of the cups and some resting time to let the cups do their work.
30 minutes $45
30 minutes $45
one-on-One Yoga
Private sessions are a wonderful opportunity for individuals or small groups who want or need specialized expertise. Sarah will provide you with an integrated session or program specifically designed to meet your needs. Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation, and Sound Therapy can be included in your personalized program. These sessions can be done in person with masks or can be conducted over Facetime or Zoom. Especially beneficial for:
- Beginners who are nervous about attending a group session.
- Individuals who are looking for Restorative or Rehabilitative therapy.
- Yogis who are ready to deepen their personal practice.
- Small groups who would like a specialized class or a specific time slot.
Please e-mail [email protected] or call 970-215-3787 with questions or to schedule.
- Beginners who are nervous about attending a group session.
- Individuals who are looking for Restorative or Rehabilitative therapy.
- Yogis who are ready to deepen their personal practice.
- Small groups who would like a specialized class or a specific time slot.
Please e-mail [email protected] or call 970-215-3787 with questions or to schedule.
NAET is Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Treatment. In this series of sessions we clear allergies from the patient by using a combination of muscle testing and acupressure techniques. NAET is useful in helping to decrease the load of allergens that are creating symptoms in the body. Common problems that have been helped with NAET include food allergies, environmental allergies, general achiness and malaise for unknown reasons and many others. The patient will need to schedule a series of 10 initial treatments which will clear common food and environmental allergens. Subsequent treatments can address allergens specific to the individual. Click on the button below to learn more.
Initial package for 10 treatments $300
Additional allergens $35 each
Initial package for 10 treatments $300
Additional allergens $35 each
To schedule NAET please call 970-215-3787.