Free Ear Acupuncture
SOL is pleased to offer free acupuncture the first Tuesday of every month from 3-7pm. During this deeply relaxing treatment you will be in a recliner and 5 pins will be placed in each year. This simple treatment protocol is excellent for stress, anxiety, trauma, and generally soothing the nervous system. Generally 20 minutes is a minimum stay for your acu-nap but you may find you want to linger awhile longer.
New & Full Moon Sound Bath
These session occur twice monthly the Sunday after the moon event. For February the dates are February 11th and 25th from 6-7:30pm. Kearsty is your host and guide. Her sessions include breathwork, light movement, and a guided meditation accompanied by crystal singing bowls and the Jupiter gong. For questions or to RSVP call 303-917-0271.